51 - ACOMA POTTERY BOWL (CHINO)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1980's hand painted heart line deer design signed Rose Chino. 3.75'' x 4''
Shipping charge are for the continental United St...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 75.00 - 150.00
Sold to O*****2 for (75.00 + 15.00BP) = 90.00
52 - FIVE ZUNI BEADED FIGURESAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1980's three fully beaded horses one lady bug and one frog largest 2.5'' x 3''
Shipping charge are for the continental Unit...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
Sold to N*******r for (50.00 + 10.00BP) = 60.00
prehistoric spear points and arrowheads out of Oregon collection largest is 5.5'' x 1''
Shipping charge are for the continental ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to G*********n for (160.00 + 32.00BP) = 192.00
54 - TEN HOPI ROUTE 66 DOLLSAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1970's hand carved and painted cotton wood dolls largest 4 '' tall
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only There ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to floor for (190.00) = 190.00
55 - SANTO DOMINGO POTTERY VASEAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1980's hand painted floral design wedding vase 9'' x 6''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only There wi...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 75.00 - 150.00
Sold to g*********s for (70.00 + 14.00BP) = 84.00
56 - SOUTH WEST PAINTINGAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1990's original water color on paper depicting cliff dwelling.6'' x 4'' frame size 10'' x 9''
Shipping charg...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 30.00 - 60.00
Sold to B*****5 for (45.00 + 9.00BP) = 54.00
57 - ACOMA POTTERY OLLAAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1940's busy hand painted polychrome geometric design 10'' x 11''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 600.00
Sold to B*****5 for (320.00 + 64.00BP) = 384.00
58 - PLAINS HIDE DRESSAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1960's hand beaded geometric design on native tanned hide child size. 37'' x 36''
Shipping charge are for the continental Un...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 300.00 - 600.00
Sold to T********r for (190.00 + 38.00BP) = 228.00
59 - NAVAJO CERAMIC JAR (SAXON)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1990's hand painted design on commercial ceramic jar signed Mary Saxon. 9'' x 9''
Shipping charge are for the continental Un...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 75.00 - 150.00
Sold to j********s for (60.00 + 12.00BP) = 72.00
60 - NAVAJO BASKETAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1940's wedding basket with traditional polychrome design. 5'' x 14''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States o...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to m****2 for (240.00 + 48.00BP) = 288.00
61 - NAVAJO TEXTILEAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1990's hand woven busy geometric design 35'' x 22''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only There will be...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 75.00 - 150.00
Sold to d*******W for (100.00 + 20.00BP) = 120.00
62 - SIOUX BEADED LEGGINGSAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1940's geometric beaded design on native tanned hide thread sown with canvas tops.10'' x 5''
Shipping charge are for the con...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to l********q for (190.00 + 38.00BP) = 228.00
63 - PLAINS BEADED ARM BANDSAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1960's loom beaded geometric deign on commercial hide 5'' x 15''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 100.00
Sold to b**********i for (65.00 + 13.00BP) = 78.00
64 - MESA VERDE POTTERY MUGAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
prehistoric hand painted black on white design handle has been replaced. 3'' x 5'' x 3''
Shipping charge are for the con...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to floor for (100.00) = 100.00
65 - NAVAJO TEXTILEAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1930's busy stair step diamond design has damage 72'' x 47''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only Ther...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 300.00
Sold to B****r for (55.00 + 11.00BP) = 66.00
66 - KLAMATH BASKETAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1930's hand woven stair step design 5'' x 4''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only There will be addit...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 300.00
Sold to a**********9 for (100.00 + 20.00BP) = 120.00
67 - MEXICAN TEXTILEAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1990's pictorial depicting fish 56'' x 29''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only There will be additio...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
Sold to K*****1 for (25.00 + 5.00BP) = 30.00
68 - SOUTH WEST PAINTING (MOODY)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1989 original water color on paper depicting adobe church. Signed V Moody 11'' x 7''
Shipping charge are for the continental Uni...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
Sold to W********e for (25.00 + 5.00BP) = 30.00
69 - PREHISTORIC ARTIFACTSAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
prehistoric stone spear points and arrow heads out of Oregon collection various sizes
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only T
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 75.00 - 150.00
Sold to G*********n for (140.00 + 28.00BP) = 168.00
70 - SIOUX BEADED BELTAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1920's pictorial beaded design depicting American flags on native tanned hide sinew sown attached to leather belt in poor condition. .3'...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 300.00
Sold to floor for (90.00) = 90.00
71 - HOPI PAINTING (NAHA)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1980's original on paper depicting snake dancer signed B Naha.12'' x 8'' frame size 20'' x 16''
Shipping cha...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to J****V for (180.00 + 36.00BP) = 216.00
72 - HUPA BASKETRY BOWLAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1920's hand woven geometric design has splits 10'' x 11''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only There w...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 300.00
Sold to r*******f for (150.00 + 30.00BP) = 180.00
73 - NAVAJO BRACELETAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1970's sterling silver and shell with stamped design .5'' x 5.5'' x 1.25'' total weight 20 grams
Shipping charge are...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
Sold to m********o.. for (290.00 + 58.00BP) = 348.00
74 - NAVAJO BOLOAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1970's sterling silver and turquoise with sterling tips1.25'' x 1'' total weight 20 grams
Shipping charge are for the contin...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 30.00 - 60.00
Sold to m********o.. for (55.00 + 11.00BP) = 66.00
75 - SAN JUAN BRACELET (ROMERO)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1980's sterling silver and fossilized ivory signed with bird hall mar for Mike Bird-Romero 2'' x 5.5'' x 1.5''
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 750.00 - 1,500.00
Sold to S*******n for (725.00 + 145.00BP) = 870.00
76 - ZUNI BOLOAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1980's channel inlay turquoise and shell depicting horse 1.5'' x 2.25'' with matching tips total weight 33 grams
Shipping c...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to m********o.. for (130.00 + 26.00BP) = 156.00
77 - NAVAJO TEXTILEAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1950's banded design single saddle blanket has minor stain 30'' x 28''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 75.00 - 150.00
Sold to floor for (130.00) = 130.00
78 - HOPI KACHINAAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1980's hand carved and painted cotton wood mounted on wood base 6.5'' tall
Shipping charge are for the continental United States onl...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
Sold to W********e for (50.00 + 10.00BP) = 60.00
79 - PLAINS BEADED SIDE PANELAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1950's hand beaded geometric design on cloth 7'' x 7'' attached to blue trade cloth 10'' x 25'' over all
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 75.00 - 150.00
Sold to floor for (40.00) = 40.00
1996 original on paper depicting deer signed Roybal. 4.5'' x 5.5'' frame size 9'' x 10''
Shipping charge are for...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
Sold to b******h for (80.00 + 16.00BP) = 96.00
81 - HOPI PAINTING (DAWATAWA)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1980's original on canvas board depicting hopi maiden signed Dawatawa. 16'' x 12''
Shipping charge are for the continental U...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to floor for (450.00) = 450.00
82 - KLICKITAT BURDEN BASKETAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1930's hand woven geometric design has minor stitch loss and rim damage. 13'' x 12'' x 10''
Shipping charge are for ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to r*******f for (250.00 + 50.00BP) = 300.00
83 - WINGATE POTTERY BOWLAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
prehistoric black on red banded design has repaint and approx. 20% plaster. 4.5'' x 10''
Shipping charge are for the continental...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to j********s for (110.00 + 22.00BP) = 132.00
84 - HOPI KACHINA (ADAMS)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1980's hand carved and painted cotton wood depicting Aholi signed D Adams. 10'' tall
Shipping charge are for the continental United ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
Sold to b**********i for (130.00 + 26.00BP) = 156.00
85 - PLATEAU BEADED MOCCASINSAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1960's child size beaded geometric design on commercial tanned hide minor bead loss. 10'' x 8'' x 3''
Shipping charg...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 50.00 - 100.00
Sold to b**********i for (30.00 + 6.00BP) = 36.00
86 - THREE ZUNI FETISHESAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1980's hand carved of stone and antler largest is 1.25'' x 4.5''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
Sold to s********t.. for (95.00 + 19.00BP) = 114.00
87 - HOPI DOLLAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1980's hand carved and painted hopi flat doll signed Navan. 6'' x 3''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
Sold to floor for (20.00) = 20.00
1980's carved avanyu design pottery bowl signed Romona Sisneros. 3.5'' x 5''
Shipping charge are for the continental United ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
Sold to b**********i for (50.00 + 10.00BP) = 60.00
89 - SAN JUAN POTTERY BOWLAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1980's plain wear design with scalloped rim 3.5'' x 7''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only There wil...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
Sold to O*****2 for (45.00 + 9.00BP) = 54.00
90 - TESUQUE PAINTING (VIGIL)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1997 original on paper depicting Antelope dancer signed Paul Vigil.15'' x 10'' matt 20'' x 16''
Shipping charge ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to floor for (100.00) = 100.00
91 - KIOWA PAINTING (MOMADAY)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1960's original on paper depicting native man signed Al Momaday. 17'' x 9'' frame size 21'' x 14''
Shipping ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 200.00 - 400.00
Sold to b******h for (310.00 + 62.00BP) = 372.00
92 - ZUNI BEADED DOLLAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1970's fully beaded doll depicting native woman 6.5'' tall
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only There will be ...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
Sold to N*******r for (160.00 + 32.00BP) = 192.00
93 - ACOMA POTTERY OLLA (GARCIA)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1970's busy polychrome geometric design signed L Garcia. Has minor surface rubs 6'' x 8''
Shipping charge are for the contin...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to w*********5 for (75.00 + 15.00BP) = 90.00
94 - HOPI KACHINA (NAMOKI)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1970's hand carved and painted cotton wood by Rubin Namoki. 13'' tall
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only The...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 75.00 - 150.00
Sold to W********e for (45.00 + 9.00BP) = 54.00
95 - THOMPSON RIVER BASKETAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1960's stair step geometric design has minor stitch loss. 7'' x 10''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States o...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 75.00 - 150.00
Sold to R********n.. for (55.00 + 11.00BP) = 66.00
96 - HOHOKAM POTTERY BOWLAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
prehistoric red on buff painted design has chips on rim and cracks in as found condition. 3'' x 3.5''
Shipping charge are for th...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to j********s for (85.00 + 17.00BP) = 102.00
97 - PAPAGO PAINTING (CHIAGO)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1990 original on paper depicting native ceremonies signed M. Chiago. 6'' x 12'' frame size is 13'' x 18''
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to floor for (190.00) = 190.00
98 - ZUNI FETISH (NATEWA)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1990's carved jet with sgraffito design eagle signed Jr Natewa.2.25'' x 3.5''
Shipping charge are for the continental United...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 40.00 - 80.00
Sold to b**********i for (85.00 + 17.00BP) = 102.00
99 - HOPI KACHINA (LAGAN)Alvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1990's hand carved and painted cotton wood depicting Palik Mana signed Vernon Lagan. 21'' tall
Shipping charge are for the continent...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 100.00 - 200.00
Sold to o********0 for (330.00 + 66.00BP) = 396.00
100 - NAVAJO TEXTILEAlvord / R. G. Munn Auction LLC
1990's third phase chiefs design 25'' x 32''
Shipping charge are for the continental United States only There will be additi...
Bidding Has ConcludedEstimate : 150.00 - 300.00
Sold to p****c for (210.00 + 42.00BP) = 252.00